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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning electrical outlets

Too many demands

Commanded on July 21, 2024

Landing head-first in March

Made it on March 5, 2023

I am my thoughts… I am time

Annuated on January 1, 2023

A squiddy meal, a goosey girl, and moles of gnomes

Wriggled on June 5, 2022

Interwoven threads of witless boobery

Spiked on February 20, 2022

An infinite pie

Unbounded on June 6, 2021

A costly, costive dilemma

Clystered on April 4, 2021

My skin was thinking

Considered for June 3, 2012

The green apple bee-bop

Hydrated on May 20, 2012

The death of Argo Navis

Trisected before April 29, 2012

A Ho-Mg-Zn icosahedral quasicrystal

Fractured on February 12, 2012

Seven point one hundred

Released on February 5, 2012

Squee! Squee! Squee!

Snoozed on October 9, 2011

Dingleberry champion hamster

Plotted against on March 21, 2010

Free at last

Self-addressed and stamped on December 2, 2007

Indeed I can go home again

Returned home on August 26, 2007

The perfect symmetry of a letter

Excreted slightly before December 18, 2005