Entries mentioning gurning | |
Eating a lot of Frosted FlakesLionized on December 15, 2024 | |
So many questionsTrebled on April 21, 2024 | |
A Sefernday to surely forgetSefernalized on November 19, 2023 | |
A quacking bushBushwhacked on November 12, 2023 | |
Omental cakes and tires (or a blunch of underwear)Portended on July 16, 2023 | |
Crap! Carp! Scrap! Scarp!Sworn on May 21, 2023 | |
A turtle extended its neck and quackedResisted on April 23, 2023 | |
The house that Pnårp builtStacked like cordwood on February 5, 2023 | |
Yet still bereft of meaningCreamed on September 25, 2022 | |
On any given dayPlotted and schemed on August 21, 2022 | |
Whittling the knitteryQuavered on May 8, 2022 | |
Seven point two hundredCommitted on March 27, 2022 | |
New years and new neighborsBunted on January 2, 2022 | |
The Dingleberry–Hampsterist–Schmarnocks warEmbattled on November 21, 2021 | |
Losing weight at the lost-and-foundBonked on September 19, 2021 | |
My arm just follows themDetached on July 11, 2021 | |
A costly, costive dilemmaClystered on April 4, 2021 | |
An arpeggio for SnarpegonSpatchcocked on March 28, 2021 | |
Horses, drugs, and some VolvosRevolved around December 2, 2012 | |
My competitive worm charming daysVermiculated on August 26, 2012 | |
A hortensical SeferndayHortensed on July 1, 2012 | |
Gurning for twoFaces made before April 8, 2012 | |
Surviving April Fools DayFoxholed on April 1, 2012 |