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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Pnårp’s December, 2011 tidings & good cheer

A sleigh ride to the North Pole

Kringled on December 25

A journey to Upper Silesia

Gruelled on December 18

A sally to the Kremlin

Red squared on December 11

A jaunt to Washington, D.C.

Filibustered on December 4

Pnårp’s November, 2011 failure & bankruptcy

A trip to southern Moravia

Plunged off a cliff on November 27

Goatburping and speechifying

Blustered about before November 20

Grunting and squeaking in the goatburping park

Soil sampled on November 13

Like a herd of turtles

Frightened on November 6

Pnårp’s October, 2011 krill & Vril

Fimbriated armless and legless

Charged on October 30

Quack! Quack! Quack, quack, quack!!

Ducked on October 23


Stumped on October 16

Squee! Squee! Squee!

Snoozed on October 9

A snootful of donuts

Imbibed before October 2

Pnårp’s September, 2011 Yvahk & furrfu

A paean to panic

Glibbered about on September 25

Gnomes? In my photocopier?

Litigated before September 18

Ten years

Hijacked on September 11

The toadskin kazoo

Toads skinned on September 4

Pnårp’s August, 2011 cifrection & bumples

Uneventful, boring, and bland

Nothing happened on August 28

A stick of pepperoni a day

Bordured on August 21

A skeezle-wumpus? In my cabinets?

Marred on August 14

The day ended

Gibbered about on August 7

Pnårp’s July, 2011 petaflops & petaglobs

Just shaving the dog

Preened on July 31

Disgorgement and cheddar

Squassated on July 24

The harooloos grew closer

Repositioned on July 17

Impossibly shaped bowls

Whiled away before July 10

Just so he could moo at someone

Percolated on July 3

Pnårp’s June, 2011 dingleberries & chingleberries

The end of doodlewhacker pie

Bloomed on June 26

Moobly Sefernday!

Borndwiddied on June 19

What the heck… is bothering me?

Chanted on June 12

Potted meat

Unpotted on June 5

Pnårp’s May, 2011 buttwash & groinrinse

A discourse on shrieking

Babbled about on May 29

Incipits being rather popish

Lubricated on May 22

Reflecting on corn gone wrong

Paroled on May 15

Today being Mamårp’s day

Smothered on May 8


Strained on May 1

Pnårp’s April, 2011 Rebo & Zooty

Dyssynergic defecation

Splashed down on April 24

The tight, grimacing face

Impacted before April 17

Plårp and I did our best

Potted on April 10

Sigmund Freud would be proud

Electrified on April 3

Pnårp’s March, 2011 galoobery & granfalloonery

Cool beans

Beaned on March 27

Rotating in place

Caligulated on March 20


Crossing Pnårp Road on March 13

The hobnailery on Hobgoblin Street

Borfnagled on March 6

Pnårp’s February, 2011 dark & stormy nights

A dark and Strommy night

Thurmonned on February 27

A dark and spammy night

LARTed on February 20

A dark and smarmy night

Self-satisfied on February 13

A dark and stormy night

Stormdrained on February 6

Pnårp’s January, 2011 bottlenecking & hosiery

Requiem for a triangular briefcase

Immured on January 30

In feckless search of a new body

Transplanted before January 23

The Christ-O-Mart on Crunkner Boulevard

Transubstantiated before January 16

Dr. Unterguggenburgerheimer!

Diagnosed on January 9

Fluffernutter… or treacle?

Stickied on January 2