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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Pnårp’s December, 2023 testiclism & norpgodliness

The splaying of resplendent splendiferousness

Cobbled together on December 31

Whitewalls, chromedomes, and an asshat with jingle bells

Whitened on December 24

Invidy, diaeretics, and Eëtal-Otoh-Satt!

Conjoined on December 17

A byte nybbled a word, and then…

Nibbled on December 10

Snow crabs and snow leopards

Piled up upon December 3

Pnårp’s November, 2023 scaphism & monaditism

Do better

Retracted on November 26

A Sefernday to surely forget

Sefernalized on November 19

A quacking bush

Bushwhacked on November 12

Musings on the salad of chicken and eggs

Emulsified on November 5

Pnårp’s October, 2023 flogging & squassation

Mulberries, mulbiaries, mubbleducks, and mubbliaries

Trussed up on October 29

An oversized capybara, a staccato cadence

Hobbled on October 22

A real nobody

Fettered on October 15

A week of weekdays and their horrors

Manacled on October 8

For want of a letterbox

Shackled on October 1

Pnårp’s September, 2023 patrism & matrioscaphimetry

A bolo tie and a blogging accident

Haberdashed on September 24

The Aroostook Roo Store

Rued the day of September 17

By fish or by Finn

Finished after September 10

Corn gone bacon and eggs

Consterned on September 3

Pnårp’s August, 2023 orphanotrophies & catastrophes

Cwæþ the Pnårp

Jactitated on August 27

Negotiating a goats-for-oats deal

Abnegated on August 20

Dugongs, bleating, and a meowing Nurdlebutt

Bellyached on August 13

Playing a katydid like a fiddle

Diddled on August 6

Pnårp’s July, 2023 obsidian & jebusite

Rejecting both Church Latin and the Ciceronian

Conjugated on July 30

A fresh set of gnome latrines

Spun on July 23

Omental cakes and tires (or a blunch of underwear)

Portended on July 16

Ratiocination and a rat

Bugged off on July 9

Today I was being even more, more or less

Been on July 2

Pnårp’s June, 2023 obolobolosity & spearmintliness

Dogs that ate backwards

Reversed on June 25

Chicken dickin’ good!

Kennedy-fried on June 18

Gearless largesse and rageless eelgrass

Snorkeled on June 11

It doesn’t have to—but I always do

Needn’t on June 4

Pnårp’s May, 2023 moribunditude & terwilligerism

Crap! Crabapple! Crapapple!

Cursed on May 28

Crap! Carp! Scrap! Scarp!

Sworn on May 21

Tuna surprise

Surprised on May 14

Why fish don’t have feet

Expiscated on May 7

Pnårp’s April, 2023 milestones & minestrone

A monolithic dump

Pumped and dumped on April 30

A turtle extended its neck and quacked

Resisted on April 23

Being a little bit taller

Racked on April 16

Being six feet tall

Fathomed on April 9

The unwary victim of cellular ennui

Metabolized on April 2

Pnårp’s March, 2023 dorsiflexing & Dors Feline

Cities of obsidian in the Canadian Shield

Dismantled on March 26

The day ended before it began

Endorsed on March 19

To be a featureless white worm

Gouged out on March 12

Landing head-first in March

Made it on March 5

Pnårp’s February, 2023 dormfudditism & luddlanders

To catch a fly

Lashed on February 26

My spaghetti trees had all flowered

Disassembled on February 19

And the rest was history

Revised for February 12

The house that Pnårp built

Stacked like cordwood on February 5

Pnårp’s January, 2023 bersimilitude & merspicasity

A mystery of hasps and coat hangers

Fastened on January 29

Thinking for myself

Cerebrated on January 22

No more barriers to cross

Surpassed on January 15

Feeling rather non-Euclidean

Knotted on January 8

I am my thoughts… I am time

Annuated on January 1