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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning Eigentoria

A trip to southern Moravia

Plunged off a cliff on November 27, 2011

A skeezle-wumpus? In my cabinets?

Marred on August 14, 2011

Potted meat

Unpotted on June 5, 2011

Plårp and I did our best

Potted on April 10, 2011

Sigmund Freud would be proud

Electrified on April 3, 2011

Ham by the brick

Mechanically extracted on March 28, 2010

Strahazazhia smiles upon me

Gone wrong on October 28, 2007

The deep blue face of failure

Done wrong on October 21, 2007

Graceful as Loquisha’s soles

Danced with on October 14, 2007

This is Phillip Norbert Årp’s spaceship

Diseased prior to October 7, 2007

Pnårp’s in space

Station-kept on September 30, 2007

Why does the pi float?

Floated by on September 23, 2007

3,600 eigenserfs and a function key

Indentured forever after July 8, 2007

The missing fourteenth key

Lost before July 1, 2007

No one expects the Schmalkaldic League

Vanquished on February 25, 2007

Loquisha, you hornswoggler!

Added to taste on October 29, 2006

Captain Pinnfarb explains it all

Positioned left of June 18, 2006

The Englebee Troobles live!

Transubstantiated on April 16, 2006

Thaddeus C.L. Harshbarger, the haberdasher

Belted out on December 4, 2005

My house burned down today

Incinerated on November 20, 2005

A visit to Eigentoria

Emigrated on November 6, 2005

I shall visit Eigentoria

Bandied about on October 30, 2005

The thick, meaty center of an eigenfactor

Ridiculed on October 23, 2005