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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning my bestiary

Horses, drugs, and some Volvos

Revolved around December 2, 2012

The geese were angry

Angered before November 4, 2012

The nauga war

Tanned on October 14, 2012

In my own back yard

Extirpated on September 30, 2012

The turtle herds of insomnia

NōDōz’d on August 12, 2012

Seven point one hundred

Released on February 5, 2012

And then the cold cuts danced

Ronpauled on January 15, 2012

A journey to Upper Silesia

Gruelled on December 18, 2011

Like a herd of turtles

Frightened on November 6, 2011


Stumped on October 16, 2011

Squee! Squee! Squee!

Snoozed on October 9, 2011

A snootful of donuts

Imbibed before October 2, 2011

Gnomes? In my photocopier?

Litigated before September 18, 2011

Uneventful, boring, and bland

Nothing happened on August 28, 2011

A stick of pepperoni a day

Bordured on August 21, 2011

A skeezle-wumpus? In my cabinets?

Marred on August 14, 2011

Just shaving the dog

Preened on July 31, 2011

Oh, the serendipity!

Squelched through on May 30, 2010

I had eggs today!

Oviposited on April 18, 2010

A Hilarius pair of ducks

Guffawed at after March 14, 2010