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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning hentai

By fish or by Finn

Finished after September 10, 2023

The Hanes–Heinz problem

Caught up on May 2, 2021

This coming Friday…

Prognosticated after December 16, 2012

Fungous hitchhikers from outer space

Rocketed on June 24, 2012

A lunchable lemony apple key

Open-appled on April 22, 2012

Fimbriated armless and legless

Charged on October 30, 2011

The tight, grimacing face

Impacted before April 17, 2011

The disastrous ballad of Monica Lewinski’s feet

Shattered before August 15, 2010

Poesies and toesies indeed!

Tentacle-raped on July 25, 2010

Attacked by tadpoles!

Stabbed with a fork on September 3, 2006

As kudzu crept up her ankles

Encircled on August 13, 2006

Gormless bastard!

Located to the right of June 25, 2006

The wall gong exhibition

Molested on June 11, 2006

A cock-up, to be sure

Erected on June 4, 2006