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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning hotdogs

Meat-based vegetables

Meted out on February 9, 2025

There are no bagels there

Spaced on November 17, 2024

The stench of failure

Stunk up on March 31, 2024

A byte nybbled a word, and then…

Nibbled on December 10, 2023

Corn gone bacon and eggs

Consterned on September 3, 2023

Feeling rather non-Euclidean

Knotted on January 8, 2023

Toppings on the bottom?

Bottomed out on December 18, 2022

“If” is the middle word in “life”

Horrified on September 11, 2022

Confound delivery

Starched on January 16, 2022

A Sefernday to ſurely remember

Obſerved on October 24, 2021

Dugong, budong, hotdog, and hoe

Frowned at on October 3, 2021

An Independence Day to remember

In the pants on July 4, 2021

Too many Sundays

Quintupled on May 30, 2021

Upon the Fimbriated Planet

Flabbled about on August 5, 2012

My neighbor—he’s on fire

Detonated on May 27, 2012

And then the cold cuts danced

Ronpauled on January 15, 2012

A sally to the Kremlin

Red squared on December 11, 2011

A trip to southern Moravia

Plunged off a cliff on November 27, 2011

Fimbriated armless and legless

Charged on October 30, 2011

Ravna and a tub of port wine cheese spread

Slathered all over on November 21, 2010

PNARP.SYS is an evil, vile thing

Disinfected on June 20, 2010

Joyful Sefernday, everyone!

Envisaged on June 6, 2010

Oh, the serendipity!

Squelched through on May 30, 2010

Alyssa Milano v. Phillip Norbert Årp

Entrenched under January 28, 2007

Britney Spears… or Jennifer Love Hewitt?

Rigorously proved for November 26, 2006

Thaddeus C.L. Harshbarger, the haberdasher

Belted out on December 4, 2005

Troobles, long and hard

Deluged on August 7, 2005

Guhhhh noooobity fahhhh foooogity!!!

Squabbled about on March 20, 2005

Curse inflatable hotdogs

Expurgated on January 23, 2005