Entries mentioning neighing | |
Meat-based vegetablesMeted out on February 9, 2025 | |
Nose, the best smelling deviceStunk down on April 28, 2024 | |
Angry monkey syndrome, a dishdirtierIllustrated on February 4, 2024 | |
Gearless largesse and rageless eelgrassSnorkeled on June 11, 2023 | |
The day ended before it beganEndorsed on March 19, 2023 | |
To be a featureless white wormGouged out on March 12, 2023 | |
We were bipedal murder chickensCorned on December 11, 2022 | |
A draught horse, serendipity, and a bankruptcyForstraught on October 30, 2022 | |
A stack of dictionaries, a goat, and the ensuing manureStacked high on June 26, 2022 | |
An arpeggio for SnarpegonSpatchcocked on March 28, 2021 | |
Mooey, mooey, moo!Lowed at on December 9, 2012 | |
Upon the Fimbriated PlanetFlabbled about on August 5, 2012 | |
Dreams in a hole in the groundTrespassed before January 1, 2012 | |
The toadskin kazooToads skinned on September 4, 2011 | |
Disgorgement and cheddarSquassated on July 24, 2011 | |
Potted meatUnpotted on June 5, 2011 | |
A discourse on shriekingBabbled about on May 29, 2011 | |
Incipits being rather popishLubricated on May 22, 2011 |