Entries mentioning tongue | |
Meat-based vegetablesMeted out on February 9, 2025 | |
Eating a lot of Frosted FlakesLionized on December 15, 2024 | |
How does blue cheese go bad?Reposed on September 1, 2024 | |
Musings on vinegar, vigor, and elephant bitesMurderized on August 4, 2024 | |
My life as a computerComputed on January 14, 2024 | |
The splaying of resplendent splendiferousnessCobbled together on December 31, 2023 | |
By fish or by FinnFinished after September 10, 2023 | |
Omental cakes and tires (or a blunch of underwear)Portended on July 16, 2023 | |
Tuck in flap to closeKnocked up on July 17, 2022 | |
Wernicke, Broca, and a two-week, drug-fueled benderRefueled on June 19, 2022 | |
Batting the packageSemiquavered on May 15, 2022 | |
The twentieth best day of my lifeEasily understood on March 20, 2022 | |
A hilarious pair of ducksRedpilled on March 13, 2022 | |
Dugong, budong, hotdog, and hoeFrowned at on October 3, 2021 | |
An Independence Day to rememberIn the pants on July 4, 2021 | |
A costly, costive dilemmaClystered on April 4, 2021 | |
This coming Friday…Prognosticated after December 16, 2012 | |
Mooey, mooey, moo!Lowed at on December 9, 2012 | |
Horses, drugs, and some VolvosRevolved around December 2, 2012 | |
Planet of the geeseHonked at on July 15, 2012 | |
A hortensical SeferndayHortensed on July 1, 2012 | |
Fungous hitchhikers from outer spaceRocketed on June 24, 2012 | |
My neighbor—he’s on fireDetonated on May 27, 2012 | |
Hoarsely the Pnårp sangHorsed around on May 13, 2012 | |
The death of Argo NavisTrisected before April 29, 2012 | |
Gurning for twoFaces made before April 8, 2012 | |
A snootful of donutsImbibed before October 2, 2011 | |
Impossibly shaped bowlsWhiled away before July 10, 2011 | |
Potted meatUnpotted on June 5, 2011 | |
In feckless search of a new bodyTransplanted before January 23, 2011 | |
Back to Pam & Meg’sGoatmulched on December 12, 2010 | |
Ollanthorpe Memorial HospitalAtrophied before October 10, 2010 | |
Phbthphbthphbthphbththth!Flatulated on October 3, 2010 | |
Gnomes destroying my brain and kidneysUrinated on on July 18, 2010 | |
Ham by the brickMechanically extracted on March 28, 2010 | |
The perfunctory margin of disbelief, part IIReified on June 29, 2008 | |
Requiem for a haberdasherEulogized on June 8, 2008 | |
Bubble wrap and bubble buttsThawed on January 6, 2008 | |
The Third ComingChopped lightly on October 8, 2006 | |
A brass knob had fallen on my headBelched out on September 26, 1999 | |
Someone accused me of screwing a pheasantRemixed before September 12, 1999 | |
Without a tongue or a penisReticulated and sun-dried on September 5, 1999 | |
It gets hot in Afghanistani prisonsGiven to my daughter on August 29, 1999 |