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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning underdogs

My toilet float… sank

Groused about on February 23, 2025

Too many answers

Declared on July 14, 2024

So many questions

Trebled on April 21, 2024

Too many Sundays

Quintupled on May 30, 2021

A sally to the Kremlin

Red squared on December 11, 2011

A trip to southern Moravia

Plunged off a cliff on November 27, 2011

A snootful of donuts

Imbibed before October 2, 2011

Dr. Unterguggenburgerheimer!

Diagnosed on January 9, 2011

Loquisha, you hornswoggler!

Added to taste on October 29, 2006

Gnomelandia Day

Filleted on October 15, 2006

Gormless bastard!

Located to the right of June 25, 2006

The Englebee Troobles live!

Transubstantiated on April 16, 2006

My new neighbor from Georgia

Nazified on April 2, 2006

The haberdashery, act II

Flaunted on March 12, 2006

She isn’t dead!

Copulated after January 15, 2006

Mister Ollanthorpe von Sträsmussenbörg

Encapsulated within July 25, 1999

Is there an underdog in you?

Nitrated on July 18, 1999